Cause we Ride For:
Ronald McDonald House Charities

Ronald McDonald House Charities – Embark on a journey of compassion and determination with our dedicated team of cyclists, as we gear up for a monumental 600km, 4-day charity bike ride. Each pedal stroke is a commitment to making a difference in the lives of those who need it most.

Meet our Team

Tim Martin

Tim Martin

Hello everyone, my name is Tim Martin and although I’m not new to cycling this will be the longest ride I will have ever completed.

2011 was one of the worst years of my life. My son Ryley, of 2.5 years, passed away from cancer at the Hospital for Sick Kids. His death triggered me to find something to keep his legacy alive which I did through cycling.

The following year, in 2012, I participated in my first ride to conquer cancer, benefiting the Princess Margaret Foundation and have been completing it every year since. I also have participated in the Great Cycling challenge for Childhood Cancer for Sick kids since 2017.

The RMHC holds a special place in my heart. During Ryley’s treatment, my family was able to stay at RMHC. This meant that Ryley’s triplet sisters Kaitlynn and Hayley, were able to be close during treatment and we could still make memories as a family.

It made life easier knowing we were all together and that Ryley was able to see his sisters and both parents every day. This place has been incredible to my family and I and I am forever grateful for the service they provided to keep us all together.

I would like to thank you all for listening to why this journey means so much to me.

Ryan Douglas

Ryan Douglas

My name is Ryan Douglas, a Partner at DKI – CRCS and I’m one of the 3 Douglas’ brothers participating in this journey from Oshawa to Montreal.

As I do not have a long history of cycling, I have been spinning on 2 wheels since 2018. Upon attending a backyard BBQs, in 2018, I had the pleasure of meeting Tim and Shannon Martin.

Tim and I instantly made a connection with cycling, and I had the opportunity to hear his and Shannon’s story about their son Ryley and this began my inspiration to ride a bike even more. After the initial introduction, I reached out to Tim and asked if I could join the newly formed team, “Ryley’s Riders”, who would be riding as a ream in the Ride to Conquer Cancer from Toronto to Niagara Falls in 2019.

Since then, I have participated in 5 Ride to Conquer Cancer events with the team, rising over $180,000 for the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation.

This year will be my 6 th ride with the team, and it is a ride I look forward to every year now. Also, I have participated in 3 “Laps for Lakeridge” raising over $100,000 for our local hospital foundation.

Our ride to Montreal, will be my longest ride to date and I’m extremely excited to be riding with my brothers Matt and Kyle but also with 2 good friends in Tim and Tom! Rendez-vous ‘a Montreal!

Matt Douglas

Matt Douglas

Hey there! I’m an enthusiastic cyclist on a mission to try to make a difference.

As I pedal through life, I’ve decided to combine my love for cycling with a cause that’s close to my heart. I am not just a cycling enthusiast; I’m a firm believer in the power of community and positive change. Born with a passion for two wheels and a heart for giving back, I’ve embarked on a journey that goes beyond pedals.

Cycling is not just a sport for me; it’s a way to create change. I believe that by combining our passions and strengths, we can make a lasting impact on the world. Join me in this journey, and together, let’s contribute to something greater than ourselves.

How you can help:
Visit my fundraising page to learn more about the cause and make a secure donation.

Follow my cycling adventures on our social media, where ill be sharing the highs, lows, and everything in between. Spread the word! Share my journey with your friends, family, and fellow cycling enthusiasts.

Together, we can create a ripple effect of positive change. Thank you: I appreciate your support more than words can express.

Let’s ride for change, pedal for a purpose, and make a lasting impact together.

Kyle Douglas

Kyle Douglas

I’m Kyle Douglas, a dedicated advocate for families in need and an avid cyclist.

As a passionate supporter of Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMHC), I channel my energy and resources towards creating a positive impact on the lives of those facing challenging times.

Why RMHC? Because they provide crucial support to families with sick children, offering a home away from home during challenging times. Every pedal stroke I take is fueled by the desire to ease the burden for these families.

Join me on this journey by supporting my fundraiser and together, let's make a meaningful impact in the lives of those who need it most.

Tom Hopkins

Tom Hopkins

I’m Tom Hopkins, a husband and father of two amazing boys.

Caden, my oldest son spent a considerable amount of time in hospital for years after birth. My family was able to experience the benefits of RMHC firsthand, and we are extremely grateful.

As a passionate supporter of RMHC, I’m looking forward to this ride, knowing the benefits our fundraising will provide to those facing challenging times.

How You Can Make a Difference

We invite you to join us in supporting RMHC by contributing to our fundraising efforts. Your generosity will directly impact families facing medical crises, providing them with comfort, support, and the strength to face the road ahead. Every donation, no matter how small, propels us forward in our mission to create a brighter and more hopeful future for these families.

Contribute to Our Cause

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About Ronald McDonald House Charities® Canada (RMHC® Canada)

In Canada, 65 percent of families live outside a city with a children’s hospital and must travel for treatment if their child is seriously ill. In an average year, the RMHC network of programs in Canada helps to keep more than 26,000 families close to their sick child and the care they need.

The 16 Ronald McDonalds Houses provide out-of-town families with a home to stay at while their child is being treated at a nearby hospital, while the 18 Ronald McDonald Family Rooms provide a comfortable place for families to rest and recharge, right inside hospitals. For more information, please visit

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